A Compendium of Little Mysteries

A Compendium of Little Mysteries; a collection of my poetry has been released! The book is 114 pages and contains 71 original poems some of which are being published for the first time in this collection. The book is available in two formats, paperback and ebook. I have included the poem Self-Portrait from the collection below. There is a only a limited print run of the paperback so if you would like a copy please contact me.

The paperback is selling for $20AU plus $5AU for shipping and handling within Australia only (total $25AU). You can order a paperback copy with payment via Paypal - don’t forget to include your address.

The book is available in ebook format directly from me. Please specify if you want .epub, .mobi or .pdf. Cost is $10AU via Paypal. The ebook is also available from Amazon:

For other payment methods or if you want a copy sent overseas please Contact me.

Compendium Cover


We live parallel lives.
He is a poet,
I am a computer engineer.
He thinks of philosophy, nature and love,
I think of hardware, software and debugging.
I go to the gym, he takes long walks.
He treasures a fountain pen,
I a laptop computer.
His friends are arty alternatives,
Mine are geeky misfits.
I am concerned about tax rates, mortgage rates, holidays and return on investment,
He about social justice, global warming and the numinous.
He lives for a better world,
I live in a virtual world.
He weeps,
I anesthesiate.
He is the dreamer.
I am the dream.