Atisha's Instructions

I first heard Atisha's Instructions via Jack Kornfield on the Tim Ferris podcast. I find the instructions both useful and inspiring and I knew I could do with reminder of them on a regular basis. So they are showing up around my life everywhere from sticky notes on the computer screen to actual stickers. If you google for "Atisha's Instructions" you will find other versions which I am sure are more technically correct and accurate but I like the simplicity, accessibility and applicability of this version.

Any error's are most likely mine and not the fault of Jack or Tim, I did go back to the podcast transcript but it was a conversation and not a lecture.

Sticker Artwork

If you are in Australia and you would like one of these stickers you can order one from me with payment via Paypal - don’t forget to include your address! They measure roughly 11cm by 9.5cm and are professionally printed on vinyl, and they look heaps better than the photo. If you want a copy sent overseas please Contact me. I really don't have a lot of these but if there is enough interest I can do a second print run.

Yes you can design your own artwork and get your own printed!